Sunday, September 30, 2012

Go figure

So, my two year old daughter comes up to me and innocently asks, "Mommy, why are you under there?" I look around my surroundings and except for being directly under the ceiling of our home, I was not "under" anything. So, I do as any mother would and ask my daughter, "Sweetie, under where?" My little one giggles and says, "Mommy, you said underwear!"

Wash, wah, wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Go figure!

How detrimental is tv to a toddler?

So I am watching my two year old daughter as she watches her favorite television programs and I can't help but wonder if the true detrimental factor is television. She watches more than the recommended hour a day and it does not appear to have hindered her in any way. She is well spoken, knows her ABCs, knows how to count forward and backward to and from twenty, can skip count to 100 (with help), can identify her name, knows her birthday, where she lives, what city she lives in and the list goes on. All this and she is an avid television watcher.

I think the true culprit is parental involvement - or lack thereof. Parental involvement is essential to every child - especially a tv watcher whose mind is being molded by the thoughts, images, and words of those on the tube. I make it my mission to be there for my children daily - hour after hour. I teach them, play with them, read to them and talk to them more than the television provides an entertainment outlet. My involvement, I feel, counteracts most of the negative effects that television may have on my children.

Now I am sure there is much research suggesting that what I am implying is wrong and harmful. I am sure that the quality of the programming has great bearings on the various studies as well. Sponge bob versus Little Einsteins, for instance, may have a greater impact on a child's attention span than the latter. I am not attempting to imply that this research is wrong by any stretch of the word... Rather, I felt it would be best to elaborate upon the studies by stating that other environmental and societal factors may have an even greater impact on a child's development.


I can stay home with my babies because of Ambit Energy.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Make money now

I just finished rewatching the Why Ambit Works video on my website and I am re-enamored with the entire Ambit Business prospect. Save money and make money on a commodity that people everywhere habitually use and regularly pay for? Earn thousands of dollars a month on residual income alone? Retire yourself now and pay for your child's college degree without going bankrupt? Sign me up now - all over again!

Whatever your financial goal - Ambit can be your vehicle there! Ambit provides for you the tools, the kit, the instruction, and the know how to enter into the world and set yourself up for success! There is no cold calling needed. No fearing for your life as you knock on the door of a surly stranger who wants nothing to do with anything! Rather, Ambit simply asks you to gather a handful of family and friends and ask them to do the same. It is that easy. Ambit wants you to succeed. Your success is their success. The more money you make, the more money they make! You get the picture? It is a revolving circle of prosperity. 

You can be a part of this revolving circle. It is a dynamic put in place 6 years ago and has earned it the title of fastest growing privately owned company. With integrity at its forefront and with over a million customers and the ability to sustain millions more, now - Ambit has laid the foundation necessary to see to your success. Be a part of this once in a lifetime opportunity. Join now!

Live more, be more - Ambit

Friday, September 28, 2012

Change your financial future!

Thousands of dollars of residual income a month working only a few hours a week - impossible right? Not so with Ambit Energy! Ambit Energy will be your beacon on the journey to a secure financial future.

A rated by the Better Business Bureau, featured on Success From Home Magazine on numerous occassions, and voted the nations fastest growing privately owned company by INC. Magazine in 2010 - Ambit Energy has reached unimaginable heights within a very short time frame. Brimming with customers - and capable of assuming billions more - Ambit Energy is the company to align yourself with. 

Live more, be more - do it with Ambit Energy!

Make money blogging?

I am new to this idea of blogging and even newer to the concept that one can make money blogging? How does one accomplish this??? Oh how I would love to make even a cent on a single word that I have written!

Technology how I love you!!!

If you have any pointers please do not hesitate to post.

Thanks world!

Be your own boss! Prepare for your future and the future of those you love! Simply click on the following link and have your life change forever!:


It is hard to write - I mean truly write - when life gets in the way. Babies and RA take a majority of my time. Reading other people's works of art (ie books) and trying to run my business ( takes another bit. So when do I write - in the wee hours of the morning when sleep becons and crust is beginning to form in the corner of my eyes? Is this when all experienced writers vent their frustrations, create nail biting adventures and steamy love affairs? If so - I am not meant to write.

Ohhhh but the lure of the written word calls so extensively within me. It reaches out to me and with a graceful finger ever so gently tugs upon my heart strings until a soft melody begins to play. How I would love to spend the hours toiling away in front of a computer, coffee cup at the ready and my editor available on speed dial.

I won't lose hope. I won't accept that my dream can just fizzle and pop. I will prevail. I will sustain. I will write.

In the meantime - I will promote my business:

Want to be your own boss and make tons of residual income: