Sunday, September 30, 2012

How detrimental is tv to a toddler?

So I am watching my two year old daughter as she watches her favorite television programs and I can't help but wonder if the true detrimental factor is television. She watches more than the recommended hour a day and it does not appear to have hindered her in any way. She is well spoken, knows her ABCs, knows how to count forward and backward to and from twenty, can skip count to 100 (with help), can identify her name, knows her birthday, where she lives, what city she lives in and the list goes on. All this and she is an avid television watcher.

I think the true culprit is parental involvement - or lack thereof. Parental involvement is essential to every child - especially a tv watcher whose mind is being molded by the thoughts, images, and words of those on the tube. I make it my mission to be there for my children daily - hour after hour. I teach them, play with them, read to them and talk to them more than the television provides an entertainment outlet. My involvement, I feel, counteracts most of the negative effects that television may have on my children.

Now I am sure there is much research suggesting that what I am implying is wrong and harmful. I am sure that the quality of the programming has great bearings on the various studies as well. Sponge bob versus Little Einsteins, for instance, may have a greater impact on a child's attention span than the latter. I am not attempting to imply that this research is wrong by any stretch of the word... Rather, I felt it would be best to elaborate upon the studies by stating that other environmental and societal factors may have an even greater impact on a child's development.


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